The Ideal Sponger Life Vol. 16

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A DEAL TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE Princess Freya has arrived in the Twin Kingdoms, aiming to purchase enchanted items for her journey home. Lucrezia smells an opportunity–she advises the foreign princess to negotiate a deal with her own Broglie family. But just when things seem to be headed towards a smooth conclusion, the Marquis Broglie produces an unexpected treasure. It’s a magical item of incomparable value, a Relic from the White Empire of yore! Just what kind of ulterior motive is at work here?!
Series Overview: One day, average salaryman Yamai Zenjirou has an out-of- this-world experience–literally! He’s pulled from Earth and dragged to another world where magic thrives and a gorgeous, powerful queen needs a consort. Now he’s being pressured to marry that very monarch and help her bear a child. Will Zenjirou accept this life of lazy, luxurious love at the cost of leaving his home behind?

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