Who Made Me a Princess Vol. 5

$19.99 +tax

BLEAK MALADIES Everything has gone drastically wrong for Princess Athanasia and all she’s worked for appears to crumble before her eyes. A magical mishap has wiped Claude’s memories of his daughter and Athanasia has had to flee from the palace to avoid a painful death at his hands. Though things are bleak, Athanasia has found an eager helper and trusted confidante in Jeannette, who is happy to meet the princess in secret. Inside the palace, expressions are grim, as unexplained illness has harried the Imperial Emperor. Claude’s condition is dire until an unusual solution is found–it seems Jeannette is equally useful to both father and daughter!
Series Overview: The story of Athanasia, forsaken princess of the Obelian Empire, ends with her execution at the hands of her own father–or does it? Her tragic tale is the plot of the novel The Lovely Princess . But now, a modern woman who read the book has just woken up as baby Athanasia herself, filled with her own memories and knowledge of the story she’s stuck in! Determined to survive her doomed fate, infant Athanasia embarks on this new life with a plan: avoid attention and hoard valuables to fund her escape. When her plan goes awry, she suddenly needs to charm her way into the good graces of her father, the beautiful tyrant emperor, so he doesn’t kill her again!

SKU: 9781685797805 Category:
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