I Ship My Rival x Me (The Comic / Manhua) Vol. 2

$19.99 +tax

“YOU’RE ALL I CAN SEEM TO THINK ABOUT.” After a chaotic evening full of giving Gu Yiliang’s evil stepmother a piece of his mind, Wei Yanzi is beside himself. It seems that no matter what Wei Yanzi does, he and Gu Yiliang only grow closer by the second. But that only spells trouble for Wei Yanzi, who is trying to lay low and keep the few fans he does have. Call it a delicate game of cat and mouse, but if the fandom were to find out about their new relationship dynamic, there’d be hell to pay and then some. After all, in their current political climate, it’s not like gay men are accepted all that easily, not to mention the damage it could do to their careers. But Wei Yanzi is getting ahead of himself. First, he has to figure out how he ended up in Gu Yiliang’s room, the two men pinching each other’s cheeks…? And given the current situation, are we really all that certain Gu Yiliang is straight, anyway?
Series Overview: Wei Yanzi and Gu Yiliang burst onto the acting scene together, igniting a rivalry fueled by their shared debut. But while Gu Yiliang dazzles with his acting prowess and idol-worthy looks, Wei Yanzi finds himself in the shadow with only his striking appearance to boast. Amid the barrage of online hate from Gu Yiliang’s fervent admirers, Wei Yanzi’s patience wears thin.
When Wei Yanzi stumbles upon an online community totally convinced there’s a romantic entanglement between the two actors, he is initially shocked but soon finds solace in their speculation as he immerses himself in their discussions.
Though their relationship is purely professional, Wei Yanzi can’t shake the growing sense that maybe the shippers are onto something. As he spends more time with Gu Yiliang, lines blur, and Wei Yanzi begins to wonder if there might, after all, be truth behind the fan-fueled fantasies!

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